I’ve become cool, trendy and vintage

Isn’t it funny that you reach a certain age and suddenly you find that you’ve become cool again, without even trying?

I’m a baby boomer, just. What does this mean? Well, in a nutshell, it means that I’m cool, trendy and vintage, just like that…

Vinyl is something I remember the first time around. There were no playlists, unless written on paper and record stores were everywhere.

The Beatles and The Rolling Stones were on the radio when I was a boy. Heck, Elvis was still making records.

I sat and watched the moon landing on a black-and-white TV.

Later in the 1970s, I would tape the radio chart show on my portable cassette tape recorder. It was tricky trying to cut out the DJ’s voice without missing the song’s intro.

The first story I ever wrote was on a manual typewriter, not a word processor. These machines may look glamourous, but they were clunky, messy, noisy and cost a fortune in paper, both normal and carbon. They did make you feel like an old-time writer, though.  

My first computer, long before online or the internet was a thing, was a ZX 81 by Sinclair. Later I would get the ZX Spectrum and so began my love of technology.

A childhood and teen years without mobile phones, internet and associated technology was very different. We may have since connected on a global scale, but we have certainly lost a lot in the bargain.

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